Dynamic Dealer & Duper |
Dynamic Dealer (version 2.15)
Dynamic Dealer is a program that generates bridge hands that, while random, are within parameters set by the user (suit lengths and high card points). This is useful for bidding practice, hand analysis, teaching, and the like. Dynamic Dealer requires Windows.
Dynamic Dealer is shareware. You may use it without payment for a trial period of one month. If you use it after that, you must register by paying $25.
To see screen shots of Dynamic Dealer, click here.
To download Dynamic Dealer, click here.
You can register Dynamic Dealer via a check (run the program, click the 'File' menu, then 'Register') or you can register online with a credit card by clicking the button below:
Duper (version 3.25)
Duper is a duplicate bridge utility. You can use it to generate random hands and print them on handouts for postgame analysis. You may optionally print individual sheets for each board to facilitate making the boards at the beginning of a session. You may also use DUPER to record hands that have already been dealt. For example, if you are running a game where the hands have been dealt by the players, during the session you can take boards not in play and record those deals to provide postgame sheets for the players. Duper requires Windows.
Instead of printing handout sheets, or in addition to printing handout sheets, you can create HTML pages of your deals to post on your web site so that your players can review hands from their computers.
Duper also will print a statistics sheet and add statistics to the optionally generated HTML page. Did North-South really "get all the cards" at last Wednesday's session? Now you can tell that, and more, at a glance.
Recent program improvements include support for languages other than English, curtain cards, font control, and several additional features.
Duper is shareware. You may use it without payment for a trial period of up to 3 months. If you use it after that, you must register by paying $25. Certain features, including the HTML capability, are available only upon registration.
To see screen shots of Duper, click here.
To download Duper, click here.
You can register Duper via a check (run the program, click the 'File' menu, then 'Register') or you can register online with a credit card by clicking the button below. Be sure to enter the name you would like to appear at the bottom of the printouts in the box provided:
ScoreIt (version 1.1)
ScoreIt simply scores a bridge hand. Rubber, matchpoints, or IMPs. Useful if you're new to bridge. (Note: ScoreIt does not score entire matchpoint events.) ScoreIt requires Windows and is freeware.
To see screen shots of ScoreIt, click here.
To download ScoreIt, click here. SCOREIT.EXE is a 142K download. After you have downloaded it, run the program (for example, by double clicking on it in File Manager or Windows Explorer). The file will expand itself (to 342K) and begin running a simple setup program.
The printing and HTML DLLs
The deal-printing routines contained in the Dynamic Link Library distributed with, and used by, Dynamic Dealer and Duper, and the HTML-creation routines contained in the Dynamic Link Library distributed with, and used by, Duper are available on a shareware basis. Programmers who want to use these routines can click here for documentation on the routines exported by BRDGPRN3.DLL and click here for documentation on the routines exported by BRDGHTM2.DLL.
Contacting the author
You may contact the author by sending email to howorthd@bellsouth.net.